Wednesday, January 21, 2015

D Minus 60 59 58

  by John

Wow... we are literally leaving in one hour. Well be flying out of JFK in New York, to Rio de Janeiro, then transferring to some sort of bush plane for the flight up to Salvador. Ive got some sort of pump and an AC inverter that Eric needs for Fiona stashed in my duffle. At last contact, Eric was only 22 nm from Salvador harbor. It looks like our schedule just might work.

Fionas location
Weve really made an effort to pack as little as possible, but it still adds up to a bunch of stuff. Here it is, organized and laid out so I can tick everything off my checklist.

Everything I need? Want?
Then I packed it all into stuff sacks: deck clothes and gear in one bag, normal clothes in another, equipment, books, and assorted junk into another...

Organized (mostly) into stuff sacks
And finally, the stuff sacks went into the duffle bag.

Packed (with a few additions and subtractions) into duffle bag

It looks very organized, and it is (more or less), but the duffel weighs about 40 lbs. Not going to be fun to lug to the airport, but all I have to do is get it to the checkin desk.

Helena, of course, has another bag that looks just like this one.

The clock is ticking!

  by Helena

Well, D-Day is here, the duffle bags are zipped, documents checked, money changed, phone messages updated to “the studio will be closed until October 8, please leave a message, I will call you back with some great news and a beautiful tan and a smile that will take some time to get off my face. Thank you for calling.”

The long list of “things to do before we leave” is all crossed out.  Now is the time to check with our kids that will take care of the fort for us. They will have great responsibilities: cats, lawn, mail, front porch lights, sprinklers, dehumidifiers…

We just had a very light lunch (mostly liquids with high alcohol content) and we are ready to go.

Whatever we didn’t do or pack will have to wait until we come back.

See you in Salvador.

Next Episode: Salvador Day 1

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